• Campus Safety
    For the safety of our students, please be courteous, cautious, and alert when driving on campus. Due to the extensive vehicle and foot traffic during drop-off and pick-up times, we ask that everyone be aware of their surroundings when driving on campus.

    Bus Routing Contact

    Bus Routes for the 2023-24 school year will be posted in Family Access on August 19th by 4PM.  

    In order to ensure initial and accurate routing, we request submission of an alternation of service form by noon on August 16th.

    Should you have questions about your child's bus route after August 18th, please contact Riteway Bus Company, Shela Jilot, 262-691-9868.


Bus Routing

  • Where can I find my child's route information?

    Posted by:

    Bus stop location and time can be found by logging into: Family Access.
    Click on the Busing Tab in the left menu


    Comments (-1)
  • When is the routing of Busses completed?

    Posted by:

    Typically the routing process begins in July after the student records are rolled into their new grade level. Between 200 to 300 Alteration of Service Requests are processed between this time and the start of the school year. All alternate route submissions should be completed by August 15th, 12PM to ensure accurate routes. Beginning around August 16th the routes are balanced and finalized for communication through Family Access. The goal is to communicate the final routes ten days before school begins.  


    Comments (-1)
  • Should I expect big changes in my bus pick-up or drop off times from year-to-year?

    Posted by:

    In most cases route times will vary by less than five minutes from year to year. 


    Comments (-1)
  • Who should I contact with questions about a stop location?

    Posted by:

    Parents should always contact Riteway at 262-691-9868 first if there is a question about a stop.


    Comments (-1)
  • How far should my student be expected to walk to reach their stop?

    Posted by:

    Due to the closeness of the subdivisions within the district and the number of riders, stops are generally assigned within two blocks of the home. Older students (middle or high school) may be required to walk further distances.


    Comments (-1)
  • How long should I wait for a bus before calling the bus terminal?

    Posted by:

    During the school year the expectation is that the bus will arrive within +/- 4 minutes of the
    published time of arrival. At the start of school year (first two weeks) as route adjustments
    are processed these times may be extended to up to +/- 10 minutes.


    Comments (-1)
  • What if I have two students assigned a different stop location?

    Posted by:

    We rely on a computer system to generate the routes and track their performance. Once the system parameters are established multiple stops could be generated for children in the same household. If this occurs, contact Riteway and the stops will be adjusted.


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  • Can my Middle school or High School student ride home on the late Elementary route?

    Posted by:

    A: Please note that many of our buses are currently transporting near capacity in the afternoons. This means that it is not possible for students to ride a bus that is not normally assigned to them. If there is an EMERGENCY, the following procedures should be followed in order for a student to ride an alternate afternoon bus:

    1. The day prior to the student needing to take a different afternoon bus, the student must bring a note from a parent/guardian to the Office requesting the change in their afternoon bus service.

    2. The Office will contact the bus company (Riteway) to verify that space is available for the student to ride the alternate bus.

    3. After confirmation from Riteway is received, a special bus pass will be issued to the student. When boarding the alternate bus route, the student should present the pass to the bus driver.


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Bus Communications