Officer Buddenhagen has been a member of the Village of Pewaukee Police Department for the past 14 years, which has included specialized training and experience as the lead officer for the department on Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) since 2010. She is also one of only a handful of officers in Waukesha County trained as a Forensic Interviewer.
“Officer Buddenhagen is someone we have worked with extensively, so we are thrilled to add her experience, training and passion to collaborate more closely with our students, staff and parents,” said Mike Cady, PhD - Pewaukee’s Superintendent of Schools. “Having Officer Buddenhagen on our campus is a great next step as we build on our fantastic working relationship with the Village of Pewaukee Police Department and continually strive to improve the safety and security for students, staff, volunteers and visitors to our buildings.”
Officer Buddenhagen was recently named Investigator of the Year for a Wisconsin ICAC Affiliate by the state Department of Criminal Investigation. She has also participated in training on campus for dealing with an active threat using the ALICE model, which was implemented in the district this year.
Office: Pewaukee High School administration offices
Phone: 262-695-5060
Email: buddjul@pewaukeeschools.org