Hearing & Vision

Hearing and vision are integral parts of learning, and problems with hearing and/or vision can profoundly impact a child academically and socially.  In the Pewaukee School District, hearing screenings are scheduled for 1st, 3rd, and 5th graders, and vision screenings are scheduled for 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th graders.  If you have any concerns that your child may be having hearing or vision problems, please contact your child’s health room.     

Children can be born with hearing impairments or can develop hearing problems after birth.  These problems can have a negative impact on language and speech development, academic performance, and overall well-being.  Excessive noise exposure, such as listening through headphones at a high volume for extended periods of time can also result in hearing loss. Identifying and treating hearing problems early can help limit further loss and improve learning. 

About 25% of all school aged children have a significant vision problem.  Common childhood eye conditions include nearsightedness, lazy eye (amblyopia) and misalignment of the eyes (strabismus).  The Increased use of technology in children can also affect their eyes, impacting their blink rate and tear production. Identifying and treating vision problems early in children can help correct or prevent further vision problems and help the child succeed academically and socially.  

If a hearing or vision screening at school shows a potential problem, the health room will send a referral letter home. Your child should then see a health care provider for further evaluation and any necessary treatment.  Please contact your child’s health room for any questions or concerns.